1. Last night as I was coming home
some armed robbers stopped and me
I ran, as I was running I saw SARS I
ran back to the armed robbers for
safety... .
2. I tell you, Gone are the days when
boys take off their hat when greeting
elders,, now they will just remove one
3. The way people inside KEKE will be
looking at you while trekking, it will
be as if they're inside private jet...
4. Our parents will be comparing us
with our mates as if Bill Gates and
Dangote are not their mates..... Mama
and papa, We hear una .
5. When African parents are scolding
you, you have the right to remain
silent. Anything you say will be
misquoted and used against you. .
6. It's sounds funny when short
people try to remember their
childhood and be like.... "when I was
small" As if they are not still small,
haha... You people will not kill me,
but na joke so make una no vex .
7. Do you remember when you were
small and you thought the moon use
to follow you, That's when your
stupidity started.. Nobody should near
me am nor feeling fine. .
8. Some guys will say girls don't love
them because they don't have money,
you sef bros, as you don't have
money do you love yourself?? .
9. The most respected persons in
Nigeria a are those sharing food at
weding ceremony. .
10. My dear Igbo girls Please repeat
after me.. It's called GUITAR AND
NOT JINTAR, okay? Thankiu. .
11. Do you want to know how it feels
to be married??? Oya! Delete all the
songs in your phone, leaving only
one.... Now play it every time, day
and night. .
12. Yoruba boys trying to be romantic
be like "You are the egg in my
eggroll, baby without you, i am buns..
Nawa o.
13. People are busy hiding millions
from government and you are busy
there hiding *last seen in WhatsApp!
Lol.. yeye people...
14. Going to your boyfriends house
without informing him that
heartbreak you are looking for, sister,
you shall find it.
15. That moment when you
mistakenly zii.. Ladies! Close your
eyes, I'm talking to my fellow guys,
that moment when you mistakenly zip
the flesh of your thing after'll be like "God why
me, Just let me remove this thing
safely, I will serve you till I die"... We
all know that feeling. .
16. Now to the Ladies You Are Slim,
No Boobs, flat buttocks and you keep
visiting the gym. Are you trying to
contest for Miss selfie stick??.
17. African girls ...When the pant is
new, she will be like "boo remove it
yourself" but wen it is old and faded,
she will be like "boo boo wait, I have
a surprise for you, close your eyes.
18. Today I saw my EX passing by our
house with her new boyfriend ...
Jealous down, they looked so
beautiful together. So I opened the
gate for my dogs to see them too. Lol
You should have seen how they
produced new temple run together.
19. So there are people who still think
Wrestling is real .I'm so disappointed
in you, what did you exchange your
brain for??
20. nobody notice that jesus talking
to 5000 people without using mic is a
miracle ,, We only focus on the cake
and fish...
# MR_usa .. Una see una life?...
21. To those Girls who say.. I need a
man who is tall, God fearing
,respectful, faithful, handsome,
intelligent, rich, brings me breakfast
in bed, takes me on annual vacation,
loves me for who I am, shop for me
every week and would never cheat on
me. My sister go to the garden of
Eden, get clay and mould him
22. That boy that sang "I want to go
home, I'm from Akwa ibom", you
remember him shey? Now since he
went home, we haven't heard from
him. Moral lesson: Fear Your Village
23. And also what happened to
westlife? Late 90's they're everywhere
but now, I wonder why .. I wonder
how, I wonder where they are.." .
24. If you didn't go to at least 2 to 3
classes to look for duster, my dear,
please sit down.. Where did you
school? I'm not sure it's in Nigeria....
25. BACK IN PRIMARY Those people
who used to write their name on a
paper and put it inside a pen so we
couldn't steal I hope you're still using
the same pen??
26. Now for my class monitor in my
primary school who use to write my
name in noise makers I hope now
you are working at BBC or CNN?? .
27. Those of you that always run and
inform the teachers that we're on free
period, how far na? I hope you're
now the misnister of information,
Idiot! You people will not allow
somebody to talk to his crush.. .
28.To the Ladies, there's no better
feeling than being in Husband's car
and see the guy who broke your heart
negotiating bus-fare with the
conductor. .
29. I need a wife as crazy as I am,
Imagine waking up in the middle of
the night and we both started
laughing cus we forgot to pick the
kids from school? Lol..
30. Now that Buhari had again,
we have no other option than to give
him another chance, I think
everything is possible in Nigeria
except seeing a girl taking pictures
with a straight leg......